Ras Kass – “QUARANTINE & CHILL” | Watch Now

Ras Kass drops the visuals to his new video QUARANTINE & CHILL

(Official Video Direc. by @Robert_Penzel) (Prod. by @Guttadash)

https://foundation-media.ffm.to/quara… available EVERYWHERE: @spotify @applemusic @itunes @deezer @tidal …Serious Times but a little Levity helps 🙂 Thanks to everyone who helped make this record/vid happen in 3 days: @guttadash prod. @twizard tracking @i_am_simplex addtl prod/final .mixing @luifranco Redsecta mastering. cover @guerillapress .distro @foundationmedia .Vid @robert_penzel .location Casa del @jmunoz33 & our actress Jaime 🙏🏾 #quarantineandchill #quarantine #disneyplusandchill #juicysmollett #juicysmooyay